The last Wednesday of school, we got to walk down to Ladybug Park and spend the morning there. We were able to play, eat snacks, and hang out. We had some wonderful parents come to help out (thank you guys) and the kids had a blast. We blew lots of dandelions which was some much fun! I just wish that we could have stayed longer!
Tuesday night was a wonderful night for our class to get together to celebrate a wonderful year. Each child in our class won a silly award such as "Best Eater", "Best Spiky Hair", "Mini Ms. Baker", and "Best Tulo cheerer". We also watched a DVD presentation of pictures from the year and each child go their diploma. It was a fun night complete with us throwing our hats and spraying silly string at the end!
Field Day was so much fun! We ran races, kicked off our shoes, threw balls, went through and obstacle course, and got wet from the fire hoses. We got to spend the day outside and we got to eat lots of snacks. It was such a great day!
This year in Kindergarten we learned about the butterfly life cycle. We started with tiny caterpillars which grew into giant caterpillars which then formed a chrysalis. It was so fascinating to watch. Then we got to watch as the butterflies emerged from the chrysalis and we fed them oranges, cantelope, and their favorite...watermelon. Finally on a day we hoped would be warm enough, we released our butterflies. They were named Lucky (who died), Rocky, Tashie, Tulo, and Free Willy.
For our last field trip of the year, we got to go to the zoo! It was a blast. The weather was perfect and they animals were all out and about. Shawn and I tried to catch up with everyone to spend some zoo time with each student but we could not find many friends from our class. Where were you all hiding!?